Saturday, April 23, 2011

Alphabet Photos

21. Make a picture with alphabet photos from nature

In 2008, Brian & I took a trip to Charleston SC for our 30th wedding anniversary. I started taking pictures then of alphabet letters hiding out in nature. Brian was very patient as I stopped frequently to snap away. Cemeteries, parks, vines, parking decks,... you'd be surprised what you see when you start looking. And Brian is a very good spotter, too. I have continued this hobby for the past few years and have wanted to actually use them to spell out something important. Today was the day! I finally found the perfect frames at Michael's a few weeks ago. They were a little expensive, considering I need 4+ of them, so I patiently perused the paper for coupons, timed my shopping spree for Fridays when teachers get an extra discount :) and was ready to go. I made some personal artwork for the grandsons' bedroom at Nana & Granddad's house. See if you can figure these out:

My family doesn't like the "E" in Jude's name, but it is one of my favorites! I'm not satisfied with Ben's "n"- so if you see a good "N" in nature, let me know :)
(PS- Kudos to my children for naming their babies with 3-4 letter names! Probably wouldn't have tackled this project for someone named "Elizabeth.")

I'd like to look for some "natural" numbers now, maybe make birth date pictures...

1 comment:

  1. These are beautiful!!!!! Got enough for a KATE and SYDNEY :)????
