Monday, August 8, 2011


37. First massage

Sadly, this was FAR from what I had hoped it would be. My last day of summer freedom was this past Friday. I had a delightful frou-frou lunch with a friend :) then had a nice chatty haircut, then headed to my much-anticipated 1st massage. As were a few other firsts, this one was sponsored by Groupon. I'm beginning to feel that you might not get the full experience of services when the establishment's Groupon participation makes their business bloom uncontrollably. Or maybe this particular massage therapist is just not very friendly even when business is slow.
I located the side door entrance to the "salon" and headed down the stairs to the tiny, multi-door (all closed) hallway. Turned around a few times & then saw an office door open. Very secluded. Hmmm- a little freaky to one who watches too much CSI. Long story short, I never fully relaxed, which I imagine is essential to an enjoyable massage. This therapist, who is friends with some very nice men from my church (that helped a little), was a short, very strong, quiet man. The music was soft & relaxing, but the songs were like "In the Arms of an Angel," etc. Again, not relaxing when you are in a secluded office with a stranger & wearing only 1 item of clothing and a wonderfully large sheet. It did smell good, I'll give 'em that, like eucalyptus or something. I just had the creepy feeling that Mr. Quiet Guy could snap my vertebrae in an instant. And I was so slippery when I left, I thought I would slide out of my flip-flops! My shoulders are just now over the muscle soreness of the whole situation.
Sorry to be so complaining. Maybe some day I will try a massage again- anyone know a small talkative woman you could recommend???

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