Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sangin' at church (#4)

Today held a big first for me- I sang in "big church" in an ensemble of 6 ladies! I have always been an accompanist, rather than a singer, but enjoy singing in private. I once had "sing a solo in front of a small audience" on my bucket list- but I wrote it in pencil and have since erased it :)
A few years ago, I got the chance to start singing in the choir at Park Hill Baptist. Now I get to have the best of both musical worlds- singing in the choir for early service and then playing piano for a later service at Trinity Fellowship Church.
Several months ago, a friend, Michele, invited me to sing in a ladies' ensemble, singing just for a Sunday School class. Then we "graduated" to singing in a Sunday night service. Today we sang in the morning service! It was Baptist Women emphasis day, and we sang the only song in our repertoire- "Wonderful, Merciful Savior." Love that song!!! Except for a projectile lifesaver... no one embarrassed themselves. Thanks, Michele, for pushing us out of our comfort zone.

PS- upcoming post floating around in my brain has nothing to do with firsts...


  1. A projectile lifesaver! Haha! And GO, MOM!

  2. You did a wonderful job, and one of my favorite songs!

  3. Wow, that's really brave of you!! YAY, I wish I could have been there to hear!
